Friday, February 3, 2012

The 2500 Group "Sponsorship"

Greetings and Salutations

I want to personally e-vite everyone available to a simple business scholarship opportunity.  If you are seriously interested you will research the idea and either try to accomplish it yourself or join us.

The idea in its simplicity is a Virtual Reality Business with a grounds level function. Here is why it will work. Each of us once a year invest $180.
The $180 functions as capital and as purpose. The purpose is based on 1 8 hour working day of limousine service.

Here are the reasons you will enjoy this. Taking a page from the Timeshare Industry you can lease out your day or allow someone to use it within your close personal circle.
Leasing your day allows your prebooked rental to be bid for service and provide you a return of double or more your secured vestment amount.