Saturday, February 18, 2017


Siimbhaliiquu awareness of arrival this is my beginning. Eyeamm AsBhelo Asuubuuh Blaquemann

The truth is above normal when it pertains to receiving details in a chronological order. This documentation is in awareness and bound before scribed.

The novelty of the build is growing. The true nature and ability is in the build. The resolve and creative control is in the polarity of the build. #sinnerSaint

Polarity Balanced Sensory Perception English Experience Science Perspectives supported by genuine sensory perception account details which define determine and even rule realmed dimensions and portals applicable to awareness of Earth to solar systems and origin theories of man.

The SiimBhaLii are the Nation of the God SiimBhaLiiQ a goddess and son whom of love for the father remain realmed above other realms above earth. #sinnerSaint