Monday, July 9, 2018


THOUGHT Energy broadcast system being cycle by surrounding fielding systems timelines of life to live silhouette resonance multi version interactive legacy imprintation vantaged being burst.

Standing up and in planet to universe as the logic EyeAhm in column of the I am being of all that is of the planet MultiVerse in reflection of the star suhnRah siimbhaliiq an origin of origins one aiiOh the birth face of sentiment Energy hosting in depths to seed uhn spark. The One spark. A spark pure from the Consciousness mind which connections are aligned to manifest from one simultaneously repeat one moment. To move in mirror of forever the direction reflection gave birth to YahSuhn to YahSuhnRah. YahSuhnRah begat suhnRahsiimb BahliiQuu HaliiQ yasuuN who begat BhaaLiQuu YahsUHN YahSunRah yahsuhnrah yahbhaaLiQuu 7ahs7 yahsu who returned not knowing which begat Eternity eve which birthed Goddbody sciences micromindology harnessing which labored SinnerSaint Charles.