Friday, September 6, 2024

Reading Requirements Day 1

What is the requirement for success in the world of commerce activity in MericaH North? What is "BiLL of Exchange 💱 Act? What is "Truth in Lending?" What is Uniform/UniversaL Commercial Code? What is a biLL? What is a consumer report? What is a Banc? What is in the Black's Law Dictionary? What is a Grantor, a debtor, a trustee, a beneficiary, a fiduciary? What is NationaLity DoinG in Ethnicities? (trick question?) What is frequency heaLings measurements? What is waveform? What is etymology? Do you know exactly what your bloodline is? What is an estate trust & its benefits? What is opinion? What is fac? What is legal vs what is lawful? What is balance, harmony, and peace? What is spirituaL, what is ministry, what is private vs public. What are courts? What is jurisdiction? What is civiL vs What is criminaL? (Court) What is ces que vais?( not spell checked)