Monday, November 4, 2013

Sinner Saint "You do realize?"


I witness as much as I perceive is in front of me and often times I find myself whispering to my mental. Here it is an innocent school event and I can't help but to notice the amount of physiques in this venue that are quite lovely. I'm not talking average lovely. I'm talking "where they make that at?" lovely.
The question came to me in sincerity. You do realize your clothing displays your mind and body? I have been watching this Latina nation wear these nice fitting jeans and I must admit I thoroughly enjoy it. I enjoy it the same way you enjoy a beer and pizza. It's fulfilling for the moment. I say the moment because you all are walking past me or by me without concern of my presence thus no room for extended time to engage in dialogue of query and response.
I (and no lie) saw 3 apple bottoms, 2 amazons, 3 stallions, 4 quarter horse's, and a multitude of thick and thins and they all had absolutely one thing in common from all directions. Me! If ever you want to know if you are attractive enough ask me. Just now a sister walked past me and looked down on me as if I am the problem. I'm thinking to myself, why are you frowning? I'm the one you don't want so why even have an opinion any longer. To you I shouldn't even exist.
Seriously. Why be angry at a culture of men anymore. Everything now is interchangeable. We have taken on the lifestyle of transformers. My question to you is are you an Autobot or a Deceptacon?
You do realize you are fine enough to receive a comment right? You do realize you are wearing classic sweater-meat material? I mean, if that sweater was any tighter your arriola imprint would show more than the temperature.
Take this time to recognize that your appearance does not always constitute your ability, or your mood. Maybe it is a simple matter of negligence. You forgot you still eat fast food combo's with no regard for exercise which is geared towards burning off calories. Here's a mental note. Next time you look for a snack, think of a snack, or reach for a snack, ask yourself, why not simply eat some nuts?